Guest WiFi management system
Start HotSpot is a cloud-based guest WiFi management system, designed to manage your guest WiFi Hotspot network.
Start Hotspot guest WiFi management system precisely controls the Internet access speed, data transfer, and a number of devices which a guest can connect to WiFi.
Guest WiFi management system track your customer’s behaviors, analyzes the demographics and habits of your clients, displays location-based ads or fully-featured Email marketing campaigns that target customers by age, gender, and interest.
It enables you to deliver video commercials and automatically sends special offers at defined time intervals, which leads to an increase in revenues from restaurants, hotels, retail stores, and other services.


Start Hotspot intuitive interface helps you configure users, wifi locations, splash pages, plans, access analytics or create new ads.
You may create sub-admins for desired locations with partial access privileges to the management portal.
User access tickets can be created and printed in bulk amounts with configurable Internet speeds.
Flexible architecture makes Start Hotspot Guest WiFi management system suitable for different locations like Hotels, Restaurants, Airports, Cruise Ships, Train Stations, Motels…
Start Hotspot guest management platform allows you to easily manage small individual Hotspots using any device, anywhere from the world!
If you want to manage medium to large networks, the Enterprise Cloud guest management solution is the perfect choice for you!
Reseller Portal
Increase profits by recruiting resellers and make them sale partners for your Internet service.
Every reseller becomes a sales point and provides WiFi tickets to nearby customers.
Resellers are credited for the reseller percent which you can customize for each reseller.
You will be able to monitor resellers activity directly from your Enterprise System web portal.

How Guest WiFi Management System Works?

Upon accessing your WiFi network, the guest is automatically redirected to your self-branded login page.
They may select the preferred connection method, like social login, access-code login or free access and start using WiFi.
Once logged-in, they may be redirected to view desired website or Guest WiFi info page.
Each connected device is limited with download and upload speed, available bandwidth transfer, time to use your service, so you can ensure excellent WiFi experience for all your guests.
Start Hotspot Guest WiFi managemet system will control the session duration, speed and bandwidth, and optionally collect your guest e-mail, name, address, for your safety and info marketing activity.