Seamless WiFi Roaming
Allow user roaming throughout the WiFi network without interruptions
Seamless WiFi Roaming
Allow user roaming throughout the WiFi network without interruptions

Fast WiFi Roaming
HotspotOS supports optimized vendor roaming on enterprise WiFi networks.
WiFi networks that consist of more than one AP will likely include roaming clients.
Clients can be associated with only one AP at a time and roaming from AP to AP must be quick and seamless.
Seamless WiFi Roaming provides a constant connection of the mobile users (smartphones, tablets, laptops) during their movement within the area covered by several access points.
When moving within the WiFi network, client independently selects the most suitable AP based on the signal level, network load and other factors.

Achieve roaming between all WiFi locations with a single customer account.
WiFi clients will get continuous service when moving between the WiFi locations and they will get the Splash page only on the first authentication.
802.11 k/r/v standards
We have developed and designed an HotspotOS roaming technology for fast switching of wireless clients between access points and to improve the real-time experience on enterprise networks.
Usually, the switching procedure from one AP to another takes up to 5 sec, but the standards we use 802.11k / r / v , speed up this procedure to 100 ms.
802.11 k/r/v standards enables fast roaming, minimizes the possibility of incompatibility issues, and lets clients roam more seamlessly from AP to AP within the same network.

The 802.11k standard helps devices search quickly for nearby APs that are available as roaming targets by creating an optimized list of channels.
When the signal strength of the current AP weakens, your device will scan for target APs from this list.
The 802.11k reduces roaming time by allowing the client to rapidly determine which AP it should roam to next so when the client is ready to roam, it has a better idea of where to roam.
The 802.11r this protocol implements the storage of encryption keys of all access points.
It enables faster roaming by allowing encryption keys to be stored on network APs so the client does not need to perform the complete authentication process every time it roams to a new AP within the network.
The 802.11v protocol recommends the client switch to the adjacent range within one dual-band router.
This protocol allows client devices to exchange information about the network topology, including information about the RF environment, making each client network aware, facilitating the overall improvement of the wireless network.
Get a better WiFi experience in your network
When you combine 802.11k, 802.11r, and 802.11v’s ability to speed up the search for the best target AP with faster AP association, APs in your network can perform faster

VoIP applications can now take advantage of this improved roaming to deliver better call quality when users are moving.
The 802.11r standard was designed to improve VoIP and voice applications on mobile devices connected to Wi-Fi, in addition to or instead of cellular networks.
When mobile devices roam from one area to another, they disassociate from one access point and reassociate to the next access point.