Cloud-based WiFi user management system, tailor-made to manage your guest WiFi network
Cloud-based WiFi user management system, tailor-made to manage your guest WiFi network
WiFi User Management System
A fast and reliable WiFi network with uninterrupted wireless coverage over the entire facility is just a starting point to satisfy guests.
Since streaming services, like YouTube becoming more popular, it is very important to limit access speeds, so all customers in your guest WiFi network could get great WiFi.
For such setup you will need a stable WiFi user management solution.

Start Hotspot Cloud WiFi is a robust and cost-effective WiFi user management system suitable for any hospitality deployment.
Start Hotspot WiFi user management system controls user Internet access, sets limits, processes payments, engages users, provides powerful analytics, and helps you run different marketing strategies to maximize revenue from your WiFi.
Our WiFi user management system provides you with both advanced WiFi network control and a reliable connection with all the guests.
How WiFi User Management System Works ?

Upon accessing your WiFi network, the guest is automatically redirected to your self-branded login page.
They may select the preferred connection method, like social login, access-code login, or free access, and start using WiFi.
Once logged-in, they may be redirected to view the desired website or info page.
Each connected device is limited with download and upload speed, available bandwidth transfer, time to use your service, so you can ensure excellent WiFi experience for all your guests.
Start Hotspot WiFi user management system will control the session duration, speed and bandwidth, and optionally collect your guest e-mail, name, address, for your safety and info marketing activity.
WiFi Tickets App
WiFi Tickets App helps you print tickets for your guests, visitors, and users to connect to your WiFi network.
Easily create multiple tickets in one go or reprint the last ticket if you are providing multi-device or family access.
Hotels and airports may easily scan passport and create a ticket.
WiFi Tickets App is available for selected Android printers and Android phones.

Create Highly Flexible User Accounts

Easily create and print single or bulk user accounts, login codes and refills.
Assign an Internet plan, insert how many accounts you want to generate, select the desired type, optionally configure expiration date…
It’s that simple!
User / Pass– Customers register for an username and password, payment is done up front. A customer then can use the account until time and/or bandwidth quota run out. The account can be refilled with quota and/or time using a refill.
Login code – This type of account works exactly like a User / Pass account, except it uses alfanumeric code instead of username and password.
Refills – Refills are used to add more time or bandwidth quota to an already existing user account. Customers can also use refill to login, which is automatically converted into a full featured account.
Administrator or employee is able to modify any of the settings before generating accounts.